Food Alternative Tips

JUNK FOOD (anything that is processed/man-made) replaced with:

  • FRUITS: High in enzymes, fiber, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, aminos, cancer fighting tannins, flavonoids, hydrate body, cleanses, detoxyfy's and helps with elimination. CITRUS fruits contain potassium/calcium which are Alkilizing minerals.

SUGAR (white, refined) replaced with:

  • BLUE AGAVE (Agave Nectar): although there is not a TON of research done on this product, it has been found to balance blood sugar, has high nutrients and is NOT processed! You can find it at any grocery store or natural food store.
  • STEVIA: Balances blood sugar, decreases cravings, aids in digestion, has antimicrobial properties (inhibits bacterial growth) Has NO calories and is safe for diabetics. (if you're watching your weight, this is the best sugar substitute to have, if you need it. However use it in MODERATION!
  • OTHER SUGAR SUBSTITUTES: Evaporated cane juice, sucanat, brown rice syrup, barley, malt syrup, rapadura sugar, turbinado sugar, raw sugar, beet sugar, date sugar, maple syrup (the real kind), and molasses.


Unknown said...

Is it bad to eat too much fruit?

The En-Light-nd Woman said...

I think it's probably not a good idea to eat a lot of anything, if you're overlooking other foods. A balanced diet containing a variety of foods (Veggies, Grains, Fruits, Lean meats) is necessary for getting all the nutrients our bodies need to be healthy which then results in Fat-loss. However, fruits are great to eat when your body is craving sugar, or quick energy. Fruit is a far better choice than processed, junk or fake foods